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14/01/2009   FATBOY SLIM
  Il 2 marzo uscirą il nuovo album 'I Think We“re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat'

Fatboy Slim ha divulgato dei dettagli dell“album "I Think We“re Gonna Need A Bigger Boat". Il disco, che verrą pubblicato sotto lo pseudonimo di Brighton Port Authority, vedrą la luca il 2 Marzo. Il lavoro comprenderą delle collaborazioni con Iggy Pop, Dizzee Rascal, con David Byrne - frontman dei Talking Heads e Jamie T. La tracklist: “He“s Frank“ (featuring Iggy Pop); “Dirty Sheets“ (featuring Pete York); “Jumps The Fence“ (featuring Connan Mockasin); “Should I Stay Or Should I Blow“ (featuring Ashley Beedle); “Island“ (featuring Justin Robertson); “Local Town“ (featuring Jamie T); “Seattle“ (featuring Emmy The Great); “Spade“ (featuring Martha Wainwright); “Superman“ (featuring Simon Thornton); “Superlover“ (featuring Cagedbaby); “Toe Jam“ (featuring David Byrne and Dizzee Rascal); “So It Goes“ (featuring Olly Hite). (Newsic)