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01/02/2020   GANG OF FOUR
  E' morto all’età di 64 anni Andy Gill, storico chitarrista e fondatore della band

E’ morto all’età di 64 anni Andy Gill, chitarrista e fondatore dei Gang Of Four. A darne notizie un post sul sito ufficiale e sui social della band. Pionieri del post-punk, i Gang of Four guidati dal chitarrista Andy Gill hanno ridisegnato il rock e il punk. Gill era stato il fondatore della band insieme al cantante Jon King, al bassista Dave Allen a al batterista Hugo Burnham. I Gang of Four hanno pubblicato una serie di album tra cui l’universalmente acclamato ‘Entertainment’ del 1979 (che ha celebrato il suo 40esimo compleanno nel 2019) e sono stati una fonte di ispirazione per tantissime band dalla generazione post-punk come Red Hot Chili Peppers, INXS, R.E.M., U2, Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana e Massive Attack Questo il messaggio dei componenti della band: ''This is so hard for us to write, but our great friend and Supreme Leader has died today. Andy’s final tour in November was the only way he was ever really going to bow out; with a Stratocaster around his neck, screaming with feedback and deafening the front row. His uncompromising artistic vision and commitment to the cause meant that he was still listening to mixes for the upcoming record, whilst planning the next tour from his hospital bed. But to us, he was our friend – and we’ll remember him for his kindness and generosity, his fearsome intelligence, bad jokes, mad stories and endless cups of Darjeeling tea. He just so happened to be a bit of a genius too. One of the best to ever do it, his influence on guitar music and the creative process was inspiring for us, as well as everyone who worked alongside him and listened to his music. And his albums and production work speak for themselves. Go give ‘em a spin for him… Love you mate. John, Thomas and Tobias GANG OF FOUR''. La band era uscita nel 2019 con un disco, “Happy Now”, ed è stata in tour per diversi mesi tra cui anche una data in Italia il 17 agosto 2019 a Bergamo. Ecco l’ultimo video della band tratto dal brano ''Toreador Minotaur''.